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Keratosis Pilaris


Acne isn’t the only condition that results in red, raised bumps on the skin. If your bumps are small, rough, and look like patches of goose bumps on your arms, back, and/or thighs, chances are it’s not acne but keratosis pilaris, a condition that affects up to 40 percent of the population.

Keratosis pilaris most commonly affects teenagers and disappears by age 30, but many people struggle with this annoying, but harmless skin condition well into adulthood. Like acne, keratosis pilaris is an inherited disorder of the hair follicles. It is not contagious. It occurs when the body overproduces keratin and forms hard plugs on the skin’s surface. For the millions of people who struggle with this unsightly condition, the real question is, how do you get rid of it?


Lotions and creams containing lactic acid can effectively manage keratosis pilaris symptoms by exfoliating away rough bumps from keratin overgrowth. For mild to moderate cases, daily or twice daily application of a lotion containing 12% lactic acid, such as AmLactin (that can be bought at the drugstore), may be sufficient. Moderate to severe cases may benefit from a deeper exfoliation from products containing stronger concentrations of lactic acid and vitamin A propionate (Clear Body Therapy), such as those available at Face Reality Acne Clinic.


Keratosis pilaris is not acne, but is bothersome and can be difficult to treat.


Content provided courtesy of Face Reality Acne Clinic




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